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ATGENDER internships

ATGENDER offers a few research-internships for MA students in the field of Gender Studies.

The internships will support the ATGENDER Conference ‘Gender Studies and the precarious labor of making a difference’ September 2024, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

What we offer:

  • Supervised internship in which you design and execute a research project (preferably a project based on feminist action research principles) that contributes to ATGENDER’s policies supporting students and early career researchers (ECRs) in gender studies and is connected to the theme of the conference. Applicants are invited to apply with ideas around the following themes:
    • Gender Studies and the precarious labor, (care work, social reproduction, affective labor, in teaching & learning, health care, care work and migration from CEE and global south, ….)
    • of making a difference,  (activism and affective labor, changing institutions, experiences form international classrooms …..)
    • (un-)paid jobs, (power differentials, precarious labour, migration/chains of care, racism in job markets, teaching jobs, careers in research, depending on advisors and supervisors, serving as a diversity officer, …….)
    • Internships, (use and abuse of interns, unpaid expertise, learning from practices, supervising internships as feminist pedagogy, offering your network to powerful internship providers in publishing, media, education and research, ….)
    • and volunteering,  (activism, being an ‘experience experts’, providing your pain, your network, your expertise to powerful institutions in art, media, knowledge production, …)
    • in worlds of activism, (all activism: transnational, online, grassroots, local, race, climate, poverty, affective labour in activist settings,…. )
    • profit, (companies, and freelancers who want to make a difference in organizations, via counselling, research, consultancy,….)
    • and non-profit. (affective labor in international NGO’s, free lancers with feminist, antiracist, antiablist aims, )
  • Timing to be arranged, between February 1 and October 1. Total of 420 hours, 340 hours for research project and 80 hours support for organizing the conference  (total 15 EC,  e.g. 10 weeks full time or 20 weeks 50%). The 80 hours for conference support, either in spring 2024 or in September 2024, will be arranged fitting your schedule
  • An exciting group of ATGENDER-members who are preparing the September-conference and look for ways to innovate themes and methods of sharing
  • The opportunity to present your findings at an academic conference (paper proposal should be accepted)
  • A modest compensation of 400 Euro in total and a feewaiver for the ATGENDER conference in September 2024.

What we ask:

  • You are a BA or a MA-student enrolled at a university and you have at least at least 30EC (or the equivalent) in advanced gender studies.
  • You have access to on-line communication and if you support the conference in September, you have to be in Utrecht during these weeks.
  • Before July 1 you present the results of your research project that includes policy recommendations for ATGENDER.
  • An academic supervisor from your own academic programme that will agree to take responsibility for academic credits in your programme.
  • Two positions are reserved for research connected to the role of internships in gender studies, but we welcome proposals on other themes as well. All internship research projects should contribute to ATGENDER policies for students and ECR’s.

Are you interested?

Students from outside EU should be able to arrange a visum that allows them to be in the Netherlands in September 2024.