
European Feminist Research Conferences

Every three years, ATGENDER organizes together with a partner institution the big European Feminist Research Conference (EFRC), which represents one of the major opportunities for feminist, queer and gender studies scholars, activists, artists and policy makers to gather and exchange experiences. The 11th European Feminist Research Conference took place in Milan in 2022.



2022: Milan, Italy
11th European Feminist Research Conference

Co-organised by ATGENDER and the University of Milano-Bicocca, the 11th EFRC took place in Milan, Italy on June 15-18. Under the title “Social Change in a Feminist Perspective: Situating Gender Research in Times of Political Contention”, the conference brought together scholars, activists, policy-makers and students. Visit the conference website to find out more about its rich programme, strands and listen to the recordings of keynote speakers.


2018: Göttingen, Germany
10th European Feminist Research Conference

Co-organized by ATGENDER, FG Gender and the University of Göttingen, this anniversary edition of the EFRC has taken place on September 12-15. With around 800 participants, it has been the biggest European Feminist Research Conference so far. Thanks to the generous funding of the German Ministry of Education and Research, and of the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower-Saxony, scholars, activists, policy makers and students had the opportunity to gather for free and reflect on the theme “Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions.” Visit the conference website to find out more about the exciting programme, keynote speakers, roundtables, panels, workshops, open fora events, book launches, and much more!


unnamed2015: Rovaniemi, Finland
9th European Feminist Research Conference

The 9th EFRC, titled “Sex & Capital,” was organized by the Unit for Gender Studies at the University of Lapland in cooperation with ATGENDER. This conference reflected the diversity of women’s and gender studies and represented cutting-edge scholarship.


2581310_440464805966141_979268766_n012: Budapest, Hungary
8th European Feminist Research Conference

The theme of the 2012 edition of the EFRC was “The Politics of Location Revisited: Gender@2012.” This edition of the EFRC was organized by ATGENDER and the Department of Gender Studies at the Central European University in Budapest, and was attended by hundreds of participants.


Previous European Feminist Research Conferences took place in several countries, organized by various universities part of the ATHENA network:


7th European Feminist Research Conference
Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 4-7 June 2009

6th European Gender Research Conference
Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context
University of Łódź, Poland, 31 August – 3 September 2006

5th European Feminist Research Conference
Gender and Power in the New Europe
Centre for Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden, 20-24 August 2003

4th European Feminist Research Conference
Body Gender Subjectivity: Crossing Disciplinary and Institutional Borders
Bologna, Italy,  28 September-1 October 2000

3rd European Feminist Research Conference
Shifting Bonds, Shifting Bounds
University of Coimbra, Portugal, 8-12 July 1997

2nd European Feminist Research Conference
Feminist Perspectives on Technology, Work and Ecology
Graz, Austria, 5–9 July 1994

1st European Feminist Research Conference
Women in a Changing Europe
Ålborg Universitetscenter, Denmark, 18-22 August, 1991