ATGENDER Spring Conferences
Since 2011, ATGENDER organises a Spring conference every year. This represents a great occasion for members to gather and discuss relevant topics in the field. One Spring conference focused on education is followed the next year by one focused on activism and policy making. On the third year, the bigger European Feminist Research Conference (EFRC) is organised. Our next conference is the 12th EFRC, ‘ CONTEMPORARY FEMINIST LIBERATION STRUGGLES: BODIES, BORDERS, AND INTERSECTIONS’ in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 9-12 July 2025. Further information about the 2025 conference, including the call for papers and registration, is available here:

2024: Utrecht, Netherlands
Gender Studies and the Precarious Labour of Making a Difference: (Un)paid jobs, Internships, and Volunteering in the Worlds of Activism, Profit and Non-profit
The 2024 ATGENDER Spring conference was organised with Utrecht University, Netherlands. It was held 27-29 September 2024 and explored the precarious labour of making a difference within and beyond gender studies. The conference was accompanied by ‘Conferencing Otherwise’ which featured a series of workshops oriented around two questions: What if academic knowledge were produced, shared, and enacted differently within and around the conference space? What else may be enabled by material practices and encounters that do not fit in, but instead disrupt or transform?
2023: Istanbul, Turkey
Feminist Pedagogy of/beyond Borders
The 2023 edition of the ATGENDER Spring conference was organised together with Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey. It was held between 4th-6th September 2023 and unpacked overarching concepts of borders, boundaries, liminalities, and transgressions in turbulent times.
2020: London, United Kingdom
Caring in Uncaring Times
Organised with the Middlesex University, London, the 2020 online edition of the ATGENDER Spring Conference explored the possibilities for and necessity of embedding care in policy and activism. The participants also explored the devastating consequences of an uncaring state (across a range of time and places), and the vital work of activism and policy that centres care.
2019: Gijón, Spain
Feminist Teaching (through) Emotions, Feelings and Affects
The 2019 edition of the ATGENDER Spring conference was organized together with the University of Oviedo, AUDEM (the Spanish Association of Women’s Studies) and Espora Gender Consulting, and it took place in Gijón on 8-10 May 2019. The conference attempted to analyse how emotions, feelings and affects can empirically and theoretically reconcile mind and body; how the affective can help transgress binarisms; and what teaching and learning methodologies they foster.
2017: Vilnius, Lithuania
Bridging Gender Research and Policy Making: Missing Links, Good Practices, Future Scenarios
Organized by ATGENDER with support from the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University, the 2017 edition of the ATGENDER Spring conference, attended by more than 150 participants, was dedicated to building dialogues between gender researchers, activists, students, educators and policy makers.
2016: Utrecht, Netherlands
Spaces of Feminist Learning and Teaching: Queering Movements, Translations and Dynamics
The 2016 edition of the ATGENDER Spring Conference was dedicated to spaces of feminist learning and teaching. The focus was on queer and gender studies’ classrooms, broadly understood as spaces inside and outside the university, traversed by multiple urgencies and agendas, as well as informed by complex negotiations at personal, social, economic and political levels. Thanks to the Graduate Gender Programme at Utrecht University that made this conference possible!
2014: Barcelona, Spain
A New Agenda For Gender Equality Policies
The 2014 edition of the ATGENDER Spring Conference called for focus in the political field, because today more than ever, we need to forge links to progress in gender equality policies throughout Europe. It was hosted in the beautiful Espai Francesca Bonnemaison, part of the provincial council of Barcelona.
2013: Gothenburg, Sweden
Learning and Teaching in Gender, Women’s and Feminist Studies
The focus of the ATGENDER Spring Conference 2013 was Teaching and Learning in Gender Studies. At Gothenburg University, feminist teachers, students, graduates and activists discussed learning and teaching gender in panels, roundtables and other events including a keynote by Professor Sara Ahmed.
2011: Utrecht, Netherlands
Feminist Legacies – Feminist Futures: Connecting Research, Teaching and Gender Equality in Europe
The first edition of the ATGENDER Spring Conference focused on Feminist Legacies and Feminist Futures. With a total of 9 workshops and already starting preparations for future conferences, this ATGENDER Spring Conference welcomed 100 participants and was a big success!