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Call for Edited Volume Teaching with Gender Book Series AtGender/Routledge

ATGENDER invites the submission of proposals for edited volumes, for the Teaching with Gender Series, published in cooperation with Routledge. The volumes in this series address challenges and possibilities of teaching about women and gender in a wide range of educational contexts (for more information about the series and previous volumes click here). 

The series is published by Routledge and has the advantage of being circulated among the members of ATGENDER. Also, special events are organised to promote TwG volumes during conferences co-organised by ATGENDER. The TwG working group is in contact with Routledge to make sure that the future volumes are fully accessible as e-books.    

Who Can Submit? 

Submission is open to all, but priority will be given to ATGENDER members.


Submissions are welcome in the fields of intersectional women’s, transgender, queer and sexuality studies, and especially on the intersectional nature of marginalization; including theoretical debates, qualitative and quantitative researches and teaching practices across international settings.

We are in particular inviting proposals working from feminist intersectional perspectives on:

  • Teaching (with) the pandemic
  • Intersecting biosocial vulnerabilities/intersecting responsibilities
  • Politics of un/liveability and un/sustainable utopias

Acknowledging the crisis and thinking through how we can live (and teach) in compromised times from a transdisciplinary perspective. Keywords may include but should not be limited to post-crisis space, agency, solidarity, access, social change, climate justice, anthropocene, capitalocene, plantationocene, posthuman approaches, as well as different temporalities, memories and images of the future, and mediated utopias.

Submission Guidelines 

A proposal should be between 2000-2500 words (max).
It needs to provide the following information:
* Name and address (regular and e-mail) of the corresponding editor (in case that there are several editors, please indicate one corresponding name, address and e-mail).
* Tentative title of the proposed volume.
* Tentative table of contents (including the tentative list of authors).
* Rationale for this proposal.
* List of keywords.
* Sections or particular issues/themes to be discussed.
* Short bibliography.
* Scientific contribution/volume positioning in relation to relevant literature.
* Target audience.
* Time-frame for the completion of the manuscript.

Where to Submit? 

Proposals should be sent to: until February 28, 2022.