
Past Events

AtGender Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group aims at fostering peer-support for scholars in gender studies and across disciplines with an interest in gender. It seeks to create a productive space for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers through events, both with informal meetings between ECRs and with practical tips from experienced scholars. If you would like to suggest an idea for an event, feel free to get in touch with us. Links to past events and information on upcoming ones can be found below or at the AtGender Youtube Channel.

ECR Event: “Feminist & Queer Methodologies”

March 27, 2023

Thinking/writing/developing feminist and queer methodologies is challenging and also fun! The ways of questioning methodologies specifically for ECRs will be discussed in this event.

Meet the speakers:

Phoebe Kisubi is a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Essex. Skilled in Research, HIV&Health, Policy Analysis, Gender Analysis, and International Development. Her research interests are in critical race, gender, class, sexuality, creative activism, public health, as well as decolonial thought and praxis.

Andréa Gill is a Professor in Political Science and Cultural, Social, and Political Thought at the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Andréa is interested in postcolonial and decolonial studies; race, gender, sexuality, and class relations; urban politics; violence and conflict; international relations and globalization; political economy and development; education; Latin American and Brazilian social and political thought.

Siobhan McGuirk is a Lecturer in Anthropology at Goldsmiths, University of London, and researches gender & sexuality, migration, social justice activism, and sensorial/creative research methods. Siobhan is also an editor and columnist for Red Pepper magazine.

ECR Event: “Tips and Tricks on Writing”

March 21, 2022- 4:00-5:30pm CET

In this event, scholars Edyta Just and Giovanna Vingelli share organisational techniques, tricks on how to stay motivated during the ardorous writing process, and the politics of feminist academic writing. The participants created a shared Padlet with their own personal tips and resources to deal with the challenges of writing academic papers. The link to professor Vingelli’s PowerPointcan be accessed as well.

ECR Event: “Writing Process”

March 30th, 2021: 5:00-6:30pm CET

During this ECRs event, Maria Tamboukou and Berteke Waaldijk (both Professors in Gender Studies) shared their writing experience and gave precious advice and tips for ECRs wishing to publish in peer-reviewed journals.

ECR Event: “How to Publish Your First Book in Gender Studies”

January 20th, 2021: 3:00-4:30pm CET

During this ECRs event, Eléonore Lépinard and Mia Liinason (both Professors in Gender Studies) shared their publishing experience and gave invaluable advice for ECRs wishing to publish their first book.

ECR Event: “Early Career Academic Life During a Pandemic: Challenges to and Strategies of Feminist ECR in Europe”

November 23rd, 2021: 6:00-7:30pm CET

During this ECR event, Dr. Liz Ablett (University College Dublin) provided an informal space for connection, discussion, and encouragement for participants about the challenges of being an early career researcher during the pandemic.

ECR Event: “Publishing in International Feminist Academic Journals- What (Not) To Do

May 15th, 2020

In conjunction with Middlesex university London, speaker Maria do Mar Pereira shares insight and advice on the process of publishing in international feminist journals, especially the process of submission and peer review articles and how procedure has been affected by Covid-19.