
Register as a New Member

Become an ATGENDER member now by filling in the form below!


Dear (soon-to-be) Member,

We are thrilled to welcome you to our organization! To become an ATGENDER member for 2024, the following rates apply:

Institutional Full: €500
Institutional Reduced: €250
Individual Full: €85
Individual Reduced: €50
Student: €30

Please fill in all fields of this registration form and proceed to the PayPal payment module below. If you prefer not to pay via PayPal, after clicking on “submit” you can skip the payment page and wait for an invoice from us in order to pay via bank transfer.

If your bank demands costly transfer fees, you can pay via TransferGo or a similar transfer method. If you need to pay this way, please contact us for more details.

In case of any registration problems, be sure to contact us at so we can be of assistance.

If you wish to apply for a reduced fee, fill in the motivation section. When your motivation is accepted you will receive a payment invoice.

Welcome to ATGENDER!


ATGENDER membership fees are yearly – regardless of the month you pay, your membership will last twelve months.

Click here to read about the benefits of ATGENDER membership.

For any query concerning membership, do not hesitate to contact the Office Manager []


ATGENDER Membership Form

Personal Information

We use your email address for communication purposes only

Professional Information

(only with Institutional Membership Category)

Maximum file size: 102.4MB

On submit you will be sent to the Paypal payment gateway. Should you for some reason not want to use Paypal you can make a bank transfer to AtGender. Our bank is Triodos Bank, IBAN: NL52 TRIO 0391 0805 98 BIC: TRIONL2U. Please don't forget to indicate the name of the new member.

Please allow 14 business days for your membership request to be processed. Also note that ATGENDER does not have a Dutch tax number. We are registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with the following number: 30274294.