

Series Editors



Dr. Nadezhda Aleksandrova is an assistant professor at the Department of Bulgarian Literature, Faculty of Slavic Studies at the Sofia University. She teaches courses at bachelor and master level at the Faculty of Slavic Studies and at the Faculty of Philosophy. Her interests are focused on the 19th c. women’s writing and gender history in Southeastern Europe. She has participated in a number international research projects concerning gender mainstreaming in education, mobility and belonging, and women’s literary history.

Dr. Alexandrova is a member of several Bulgarian academic organizations, such as the Bulgarian Association of University Women and the Bulgarian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. In the recent years she became a part of several international networks, such The Women’s Danube Network and Women Writers’ Network and the network of scholars working on Inter-confessional Relations in Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean since 1852.


Dr. Sveva Magaraggia is Post-Doctorate Fellow at the Department of Sociology, University of Milan-Bicocca. She teaches Research Methodologies.

The themes that characterize her research relate to areas of Sociology of Culture, with a particular focus on Social Theory of Gender and on Youth Condition.

She is actively involved in the work of the Interdepartmental Research Institute on Gender Issues ABCD (

Her recent work includes: Donne e volontariato (Women and Charity Work) in Biorcio, R. e Vitale T. (eds.) “Tocqueville a Milano: le reti associative della società civile dopo Tangentopoli,” Il Mulino, Bologna. (to be published); ‘Gender Theory and Gender Practice: An Interview with Raewyn Connell’, in Theory, Culture & Society (to be published); and ‘Challenging the inevitability of the threshold approach: experiences of work and parenthood among young adults in Italy’ (with V. Cuzzocrea) in ‘Trajectories in time: Chronology, age, and visions of the life-course’, A. Nicolas, I Flaherty e M Crouch (eds.) Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2010.


Prof. Dr habil. Andrea Pető is associate professor at the Department of Gender Studies at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

Her first monograph: Nőhistóriák. A politizáló magyar nők története (1945-1951) was published in Budapest in 1998 by Seneca and in English by Columbia University Press/East European Monographs as Women in Hungarian Politics 1945-1951 in 2003. She wrote the biography of Rajk Júlia (Balassi, Budapest, 2001) in the series “Feminism and History”, she is editing (also published as Geschlecht, Politik und Stalinismus in Ungarn. Eine Biographie von Júlia Rajk. Studien zur Geschichte Ungarns, Bd. 12. Gabriele Schäfer Verlag, 2007.) Her next monograph is exploring gender and conservatism: Napasszonyok és Holdkisasszonyok. A mai magyar konzervatív női politizálás alaktana, (Women of Sun and Girls of Moon. Morphology of Contemporary Hungarian Women Doing Politics) Budapest, Balassi, 2003 awarded by the Bolyai Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2006. Presently she is working on gender and history of WWII.

She is also the author of numerous articles in English, Russian, German, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Polish, Georgian, Hungarian, Italian and French. She edited six volumes in Hungarian, ten volumes in English, two in Russian. She is the President of the Gender and Women’s History Section of the Hungarian Historical Association and the Feminist Section of the Hungarian Sociological Association. She was awarded by President of the Hungarian Republic with the Officer’s Cross Order of Merit of The Republic of Hungary (Magyar Köztársasági Érdemrend Tisztikeresztje) in 2005.


Dr Annika Olsson is lecturer in Gender Studies at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies at Stockholm University. She has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Uppsala University 2002, and her thesis on the Swedish report book (village book) and the problem of giving voice was published by Atlas förlag in 2004: Att ge den andra sidan röst. She is an expert within and has taught courses and published on issues concerning feminist and postcolonial theory, rhetoric, the sociology of literature, narratology and gender mainstreaming.

She has also been working with gender mainstreaming and policy issues on a national and an international level as a director for a national commission on gender mainstreaming (Jämi 2008-2010: and as a coordinator for the Gender Helpdesk at Stockholm University. At the moment she is involved in the program Decentralisation and Good Governance with a Gender Perspective, Swedish International Center for Local Democracy (ICLD): Her current research is on the American writer and Nobel Laureate Pearl S. Buck, the autobiographical writings of the political and economical elite in Sweden and on the challenges of gender mainstreaming.
