
"Teaching with Gender" Book Series

Volume 12: Teaching With Feminist Materialisms


Attachment 1.jpgAs a growing and wide-spanning field of research, teaching, and collaboration, feminist materialisms are taking up increasing space in our pedagogical settings, especially in queer and feminist classrooms. Whether as a theoretical topic, as a methodological strategy for conducting research, or in developing learning tools, feminist materialisms work to foreground the complex forms of relation and accountability that mark processes of inquiry, and to re-imagine the already innovative feminist classroom experience. A strong part of this contribution of feminist materialisms is the turn to the very materialities at play in knowledge production, and as these take into account the intrinsically entangled human and more than human actors that operate in and alongside the classroom, and the bodies, spaces, practices and knowledges co-produced there. This volume of the Teaching With series assembles a collection that works to map European Feminist Materialisms across a diversity of classrooms, and to demonstrate the contribution these current approaches make in thinking and transforming pedagogical praxis. It provides insight to some common aims, projects, and futures of the field. It offers a compilation of very practical teaching and learning examples to put to work in the classroom, including specific assignments, workshop ideas, and questions for discussion.


How to deal with gender, women, gender roles, feminism and gender equality in teaching practices? The ATHENA thematic network and ATGENDER bring together specialists in women’s and gender studies, feminist research, women’s rights, gender equality and diversity. In the book series ‘Teaching with Gender’ the partners in this network have collected articles on a wide range of teaching practices in the field of gender. The books in this series address challenges and possibilities of teaching about women and gender in a wide range of educational contexts. The authors discuss pedagogical, theoretical and political dimensions of learning and teaching on women and gender.


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