Latest News

Statement from 10 EFRC organizers
Dear perspective participants in the 10 European Feminist Research Conference, We would like to draw your attention on the statement issued by conference organizers, who apologize for the slippage in the registration system regarding the section on gender. Find it here. Very best, The ATGENDER team.
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CfP 10th EFRC is out!
We are happy to publish the call for papers of the next European Feminist Research Conference, co-organized by ATGENDER, FG-Gender and Göttingen University (September 12-15, 2018, Göttingen, DE). Click here to read the call, and here to visit the conference website. Deadline for proposals is February 12, 2018.
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Vacancy office intern
ATGENDER is opening a position as office intern starting from January/February 2018. The internship will last three months, will include a reimbursement of 250,00 EUR, and will be carried out in Utrecht, the Netherlands (but it is also possible to do it from the distance if you are not based there). Would you be interested in pursuing…
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Young scholars survey
ATGENDER is conducting a survey to gain insight into the challenges faced by young scholars in the field of women’s and gender studies in Europe. With this we are hoping to find ways of supporting and helping emerging scholars. Please share it widely amongst your PhD candidates and Early Career Scholars, or fill it in…
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CfP next Teaching with Gender volume!
The Call for Papers of the 15th volume of our Teaching with Gender Book Series is out! Title of the volume, which will be published by Routledge in 2019, is Future Perspectives on Masculinities: «Walk like a man, die like a man?» Teaching Gender beyond gendered stereotypes (Editors: Sveva Magaraggia, University of Milano-Bicocca; Gerlinde Mauerer,…
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ATGENDER stands with the Central European University and its Department of Gender Studies, institutional member of ATGENDER, against the attack by the Hungarian Government. Here you can read our email in support of our feminist colleagues. #IstandwithCEU
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Deadline candidacy extended — new deadline March 10
Deadline to send in your candidacy to the ATGENDER Board has been extended until March 10! We are looking for five enthusiastic Board members who will serve for a 3-years term (with possibility of extension). Are you a member of ATGENDER and willing to candidate? If so, send an email to with a short motivation letter…
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Conference website is online! Planning to come? Do not forget to register
We are proud to announce that the website of the 2017 Spring Conference 2017 in Vilnius (April 19-21) is online, including the registration form, list of panels, preliminary programme, and other information. Registration is open! If you intend to participate in the conference, please register before March 9, 2017. For any question concerning the conference, send an…
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Call for Candidates to the Board!
Dear ATGENDER members, At the General Assembly during the Vilnius Spring conference, there will be elections to renew the Board of ATGENDER. We are looking for five new enthusiastic Board members! Board members serve for a 3-years term (which can be extended when re-elected). Within the Board, we have working groups that are responsible for particular…
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CfP Spring Conference – Deadline extended!
Deadline to receive abstracts for the next ATGENDER Spring Conference (Vilnius, April 19-21) has been extended! New deadline for submission is January 16, 2017. Take up this last chance to participate in the conference as presenter! The Call for Papers is available here. Follow the instructions included in it and send your abstract, short bio and…
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