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Official Response to EU Green Paper
During the meeting of the General Assembly of ATGender, the European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation, held on 9th April 2011, the members were alerted by Kerstin Allnebratt of the potential neglect of Gender and Social Sciences in the new EU plans for research and innovation funding, known as “Green Paper on a…
Read more‘Postcolonial Europe: Transcultural and Multidisciplinary Perspectives Social Identities’
Special issue of ‘Social Identities’ journal: ‘Postcolonial Europe: Transcultural and Multidisciplinary Perspectives Social Identities’ Guest edited by Sandra Ponzanesi and Bolette Blaagaard A special issue has appeared of ‘Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture’. This issue focuses on ‘Postcolonial Europe: Transcultural and Multidisciplinary Perspectives Social Identities’ and is…
Read moreTuning Educational Structures in Europe. Reference Points for the Design and Delivery of Degree Programs in Gender Studies
Download the full ‘Tuning Educational Structures in Europe’ brochure here. Tuning Gender Studies. Reference Points for Design and Delivery of Degree Programmes in Gender Studies. This booklet is an official document published by the European Commission, under ‘Life Long Learning Programme’. It contains material that make it possible for programmes of Gender Studies, Women’s Studies…
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